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Privacy Policy

This policy outlines the approach of RDS Partners (RDS) to protect the privacy of its stakeholders including our customers, consultants and business contacts (‘You’). RDS is referred to as ‘We’ in this Privacy Policy.

We understand that privacy is important in our dealings. We are subject to the Australian Privacy Principles that are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (‘Privacy Act’) which governs how we handle personal information (as defined in the Privacy Act).

If you are a resident in the European Economic Area, European Union or United Kingdom, (‘GDPR Resident’) - for further information about the privacy rights available to you under the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) please review the section headed RDS’s Responsibilities under the GDPR.

How do we collect information?

We may collect personal information about You directly from You, as well as indirectly from others. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Your Name;

  • Your Address;

  • Your Contact information;

  • Associations to which You belong, memberships You hold;

  • Your Areas of interest and expertise; and

  • Services You provide

Online Collection:

We may, in addition to the information identified above, collect additional information as a result of Your use of our website. This additional information may or may not identify the user. Information collected through our website, links on our website, or online products will include information that is voluntarily provided. It may also include information obtained using tracking technologies (such as Google Analytics or cookies) to collect and store information such as the type of the Internet browser, operating system, address of the referring site, the IP address.

If you are a GDPR Resident, we will comply with any additional GDPR requirements regarding collection and storage of information.

What do we use your information for?

We may use or disclose Your personal information for the purposes for which it was given to us (the primary purpose) and except to the extent if any, the GDPR prohibits us from doing so, for related purposes that You have been informed of or would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information for. In the absence of there being a disclosed or agreed primary purpose, the primary purpose shall be for the boosting of competitiveness, productivity and innovative capacity of Australia’s Food and Agribusiness Industry Sector.

We may also use information, including that collected through our website, for statistical purposes, to improve the range of our products and services and to update our own database.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

Other than disclosing Your personal information for the purposes referred to above, we will not disclose personal information about You except:

  • if the personal information is in the public domain;

  • where you have consented to such disclosure; or

  • for legal reasons, for example disclosures may need to be made to law enforcement agencies, government agencies (as per our funding agreement), courts or external advisers.

Your personal Information may be disclosed to overseas recipients within the above parameters.

Our policy is to only make such disclosures in accordance with the Privacy Act.

How do we protect your information?

We implement a variety of measures to maintain the safety of Your personal information. Privacy issues are important.

Personal information will be stored appropriately by us.

We endeavour to ensure the security of personal information held by us is protected from such risks as loss, unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. We take a range of technical, contractual, administrative, and physical security steps to protect Your personal information. If personal information is held on paper files it is handled in a responsible manner in a secure office environment.

Can you access information we hold about you?

Under the Privacy Act, You have a right to seek access to information that we hold about You (although there are some exceptions to this). You also have the right to ask for the correction of information that is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If You wish to access or update personal information that we hold about You, please contact RDS’s Director who will explain how we will handle Your request.

We reserve the right to charge You to obtain access to Your personal information.

Staff Awareness

Our staff are aware of and trained to comply with our Privacy Policy.

Third parties

All consultants and contractors engaged by RDS are required to comply with our Privacy Policy.

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer links to third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

RDS’s Responsibilities under the GDPR (Applicable to GDPR Residents Only)

If you are a resident of the EU or UK you have certain rights and protections under the GDPR regarding the processing of any information that relates to your personal data.

We collect, use and store your personal data to enable us to provide you with our goods or services and information about them. We rely on the following lawful means of processing your personal data:

Where it is necessary to fulfil an agreement with you. This includes where we collect your personal data to enable us to send you our goods or provide you with our services.

Where you have given us valid consent to use your personal data. We will rely on that consent and only use the personal data for the specific purpose for which you have given consent. This includes where we email newsletters, e-catalogues or other information to you.

We may also process your personal data where it is to further our legitimate interests (which could include usage statistics, analytics and internal analysis so We can improve our services to You) unless such legitimate interests are overridden by your Rights as a GDPR Resident.

Your Rights as a GDPR Resident:

If you are a resident of the EU, EEA or UK you have various rights including the:

  • Right to be informed;

  • Right of access;

  • Right to rectification;

  • Right to object;

  • Right to restriction of processing;

  • Right to erasure or to be forgotten (although in some cases We may not be able to remove your personal data, in which case We will let You know if We are unable to do so and why);

  • Right to data portability; and

  • Right not to be subject to automated processing.

If You want to access your personal data or ask for the information to be corrected, please contact us. In some circumstances, You also have a right to object to or ask that We restrict certain processing activities or delete Your personal data. If you would like to limit or request deletion of your personal data or exercise any other rights You can do so by contacting us.

Withdrawing Your Consent if you are a GDPR Resident:

You can withdraw your consent to our collection or processing of your personal data. You can do so by contacting us or by opting out of email newsletter communications by following the instructions in those emails or by clicking unsubscribe. If You withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data, you may not have access to our services and We might not be able to provide You with our services. In some circumstances, where We have a legal basis to do so, We may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn consent. For example, if it is necessary to comply with an independent legal obligation or if it is necessary to do so to protect our legitimate interest in keeping our services secure.

Our Compliance with the GDPR:

We comply with the GDPR protection directives set out by the EU and UK regarding the collection, use and retention of personal data from EU member countries and the UK. All personal data stored on our platform is treated as confidential. It is stored securely and is only accessed by authorized personnel. Our collection is limited in relation to what is necessary, for the purpose for which the personal data is processed, and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purpose for which the personal data was collected. We implement and maintain appropriate technical, security and organisational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing or use, and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft or disclosure. We ensure the encryption and pseudonymisation of personal data and we have adequate cyber security measures in place.

Your Acknowledgement as a GDPR Resident:

By providing us with your Personal data, You consent to us disclosing it to third parties who reside outside the EU or UK. We will ensure that those third parties are GDPR compliant.

Your consent

By using our website, You consent to our Privacy Policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may change from time to time including in accordance with legislative requirements. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on our website.

This policy was last modified on 17 October 2018.

Contacting Us

If You wish to contact RDS’s Director regarding access to or correction of personal information/personal data or if You have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy You may contact RDS’s Secretary at or telephone +61 417 537 806 or at PO Box 22, Lindisfarne, Tasmania 7015.

You can obtain further information about the Privacy Act from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at, or about the GDPR at

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